I know reading sucks, but there are two outstanding books about great Americans out this week. There's my book about Jesus and Lauren Boebert's outstanding book about Lauren Boebert (rhymes with gogurt). Jesus and Lauren have a lot in common and not just because of the questions about their parentage.
You know reading sucks. I know reading sucks. However, these two books may be the greatest ever written. I won't go into details about Detective Jesus #1: Thou Shalt Not Kill here except to beg you to buy a copy. Instead, I'll focus on Lauren Boebert's book called My American Life, which was undoubtedly inspired by her deep love of Ira Glass's NPR radio program of a similar name. Getting back to how Lauren is like Jesus, he was falsely accused by the democrats of his day. Just as Lauren and her husband have been hounded by liberals today. Her husband Jason famously exposed himself to a 17-year-old bowling alley waitress and when the owner demanded he leave the premises, he did what any red-blooded American male would do and threw a basket of fries at him. I had originally thought that it had been something scandalous, but reading in Lauren's words how the teenager was totally at fault for practically begging Jason to do it, put a whole new spin on things. Lauren is a rising young star and I highly recommend reading this great book to learn more about her. I give it 16 out of 17 stars ****************.