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Email from a Man Who Got Beaten Up for Reading Detective Jesus #1.


Hello Congressman Kimble.. This is not a question but a comment, I bought your book from Amazon titled "DETECTIVE JESUS #1: THOU SHALT NOT KILL. My first comment is that I find it very easy reading and easy for me to understand. The other thing that I would like to mention to you is something that I've never ever experienced in my entire life. I was reading your book yesterday at the beach, when some guys who I was playing beach volleyball with, asked me about the book that I was reading, and so I showed them the book. They then asked me why I chose this book, and so I told them that I had a great deal of respect for the author. The next thing that happened came as a total shock to me. Without warning, I was slugged and punched in the face. I asked why was that called for, and I was told that it's because his political view point and mine differ. I told them that I get it that our view points differ, but why can't we be at least civil about it. With that, he laughed, shoved me once again onto the sand, and kicked sand all over me. I was angry! Nobody likes getting sand kicked in their face so I went home and read the rest of your great book. I realized that wasn't what Detective Jesus would do if somebody kicked sand in his face, so I resolved to start training my body and my mind to be weapons. I know that in just fifteen minutes a day, I can become the kind of man that bullies will leave alone and women will flock to. That guy will think long and hard before he hits me again.

Thank you kindly, Congressman Kimble, and I look forward to hearing from you, so that I can understand better.


Thank you for writing to me this real and totally not made up account! I think you are right and your best bet for tolerance and understanding is to become a living weapon. Detective Jesus would certainly approve of you being a man of action and not taking it lying down. Stay free.


Congressman Jack Kimble

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