When people talk about books by Members of Congress, memoirs and policy books come to mind. People immediately think of my own Profiles in Courageousness or Bella Abzug's 1972 book Bella! as examples of books by Congress, but like my own Detective Jesus #1: Thou Shalt Not Kill, there are a number of great books written by members of Congress that fall in the fictional category. Mousetronaut by Mark Kelly who flew with “mice-tronauts” on his first spaceflight aboard space shuttle Endeavour in 2001. Mousetronaut tells the story of a small mouse that wants nothing more than to travel to outer space. The little mouse works as hard as the bigger mice to show readiness for the mission . . . and is chosen for the flight! While in space, the astronauts are busy with their mission when disaster strikes—and only the smallest member of the crew can save the day. He returns to Earth and is given a hero's welcome before his dissection so that science can study the effects of zero gravity.
The Hornet's Nest In his ambitious and deeply rewarding novel, Jimmy Carter brings to life the Revolutionary War as it was fought in the Deep South; it is a saga that will change the way we think about the conflict. He reminds us that much of the fight for independence took place in that region and that it was a struggle of both great and small battles and of terrible brutality. One struggles to count how many books former President would have built if he had only been required to create one-room cabins.
Dawn of the Brave is by Florida Congressman Mike Walz who is a former Green Beret and avid furry. He combines these two loves to tell us a story of the five anthropomorphic members of Team Brave who must decide if the battle for Freedom Island can be fought alone or if working as a team and serving one another is their best option. This one is not on Amazon, I assume because of decency standards, but I figure whatever happens on Freedom Island stays on Freedom Island, which I think was a Village People song in the early 80s after most people stopped buying their records.

Finally, Ted Cruz has written a whole bunch of sensitive and inspirational love stories under the pen name of Chuck Tingle. There are way to many to go through here, so I would suggest his Amazon page where he is currently promoting his newest book Pounded In The Butt By My Handsome Sentient Library Card Who Seems Otherworldly But In Reality Is Just A Natural Part Of The Priceless Resources Our Library System Provides